Projects undertaken

“There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about”

Over the years dedicated volunteers have undertaken many projects such as river clean ups, planting trees at Calf Hey, installing benches around the reservoirs, planting daffodils along Grane and Holcombe Roads and litter picking to name but a few.  Many of these tasks have been undertaken in partnership with Groundwork Rossendale, United Utilities and Lancashire County Council Countryside Ranger Services.

In 2005 we were awarded a £5,000 Peoples Places Award by the British Trust for Conservation Trust (BTCV) to enable volunteers to rebuild the dry stone wall bordering the Holden Arms car park and to install street furniture including benches made from recycled plastic, produced locally by socially disadvantaged members of the community.


This inspired us to be more ambitious and in 2006 we embarked on a major project in conjunction with Groundwork Rossendale to create a safe access heritage trail which takes walkers over the Grane hills from Heap Clough to Clough Head, sections of which are suitable for wheelchair users.  Together we secured funding of £70,000 from numerous sources to undertake the work required, under Rossendale Borough Council’s Valley of Stone initiative.  On completion of the project we held a three day celebration event at Clough Head for the wider community.

Volunteers have assisted committee member Tony Hodbod in the creation of Mary’s Wood dedicated to his late wife, which now contains some 18,000 trees, and in the fullness of time will be assigned to the Woodland Trust to be maintained in perpetuity.  A commemorative stone and bench were also installed as part of the Valley of Stone initiative.  

  • Grane Road Safety

    Since 1999 GRASS has campaigned for greater safety along Grane Road, and yes, our perseverance has resulted in speed cameras. Not everyone’s cup of tea, but when many of us have lived in Grane for over 40 years and witnessed many road traffic accidents and fatalities, I think this inconvenience is worth the many derogatory comments which can be seen on Facebook when restrictions are inflicted on motorists. This issue is under constant review, especially with the potential increase in traffic which will be generated by Taylor Wimpey’s housing development.

  • Fundraising

    During the Save Grane campaign in the 1990’s fund raising events were epic, ranging from a Rock Concert at the Public Hall to a fete on the Holden Arm’s car park and everything in between. Fundraising was initially to secure sufficient funds to pay for legal advice and admin requirements, but fundraising has not been just about us.

    1999 brought about the Kosovo crisis, and members agreed to respond to the call for aid by the Red Cross. We decided to arrange a raffle to take place at the Holden Arms with the main prize being the secretary’s car, which at the time was sitting on the drive awaiting a buyer. This was a team effort which raised £2,314 for the Red Cross.

    2004 brought about the publication of a recipe book sold throughout Rossendale by volunteers, and together with a copy signed by Peter Kay, £4,340 was raised for Rossendale Hospice.

  • Community

    During its infancy at Christmas time GRASS collected tins and dry goods from residents throughout Grane, which were then made into hampers for elderly Grane residents. As Christmas approached the hampers, along with presents for the children, were delivered by Father Christmas on a horse drawn trap, with the help of a local farmer. The delivery was accompanied by members of Haslingden and Helmshore band and was eagerly awaited by the recipients.

    We were always grateful to band members who gave their time freely and when we heard they were raising funds to repair the leaking roof of band headquarters, we decided to step in. We held a fund raising event and secured a grant from the Clifford Haworth Charity Trust, raising a total of £5,250 which helped the band to make the necessary repairs and continue making music in the community.

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Do you feel passionate about the place you live and want to be a part of taking care of the area and doing all you can to protect and conserve our local beauty?