“Our aim is to carry out environmental improvements to the area, monitor planning applications relevant to the locality and address issues concerning the community.”
Taking care of the beautiful countryside of Helmshore, Haslingden and Grane.
Who we are
“Save Grane” was established in 1991 when residents discovered the green field site in Grane had been allocated for employment purposes in the Rossendale District Plan. We were told by planners, ”If necessary, the land will be compulsory purchased and we will build right up to your back door.”
After a four year campaign we convinced Rossendale Councillors that this plan was a bad idea and a Government Inspector ruled that the fields should remain a buffer zone to deter creeping development, and housing and employment development would replace the former Bleachwork’s site.
In 2006 Save Grane became Grane Residents Association with a constitution which reads, “The aim of the group shall be to carry out environmental improvements to the area, monitor planning applications relevant to the locality and address issues concerning the community.” We represent the whole of the Grane area and membership is open to any individual interested in helping the group to achieve its aim.
“If everybody did just a little for the environment, we’d live in a very much greener world.”
Become a Volunteer
Do you feel passionate about the place you live in and want to be a part of taking care of the area and doing all you can to protect and conserve our local beauty?